Are you someone who wants to start running, but feels like you don’t have enough hours in the day? You’re not alone. In today's blog post, I will be providing you with some tips and tricks on how you can squeeze a run in between your life commitments.

1) Think outside the box – By this I mean look for gaps in your schedule that you don’t normally view as empty hours. An example would be on your lunch break. If you have an hour for lunch, head out for a 20-30 minute run. This will allow you plenty of time to shower and eat post run and you haven’t lost any time away from your desk. You’re happy and so will your boss! Another popular example is running early in the morning, this is great to get some me time before the hustle and bustle of the day really begins!

2) Set a target – Find a race and put it on your calendar. This will provide you with the motivation to ditch the bad habits that are sucking away your time!

3) Inform family and friends of your target – Let’s say you decided to run your first 10K. By telling those in your close circle of your goal, they will be more understanding that you have to go train!

4) Run with friends – Don’t want to sacrifice your social time? You don’t have to! Running with friends not only keeps you accountable but also provides the perfect time to have a good chitchat and catch up. You really get to know someone once you’ve shared many miles with them. Trust me. 

If you don’t have a training schedule or don’t know how to adjust your training to meet your life commitments and still crush your goals, I am here to help. This is why I started Mako Running in the first place. To help you become the best version of yourself possible. If you want to learn more about how I can help you, please visit the coaching tab above or email me at

Before I finish, I must provide a “disclaimer” of sorts. This is not a post that will provide you with some magical solution, a lot of the time it comes down to sacrificing something. Yes, this may include your evening binge on Netflix. At some point, you will have to sacrifice something. I think it is important to view your commitments as non-negotiables or replaceable. For example, helping your children with their homework could be a non-negotiable, whereas going for drinks with your work colleagues a couple of times a week could be replaceable. Only you can decide what is either non-negotiable and what is replaceable.

Take Care and Happy Running

Coach Wilson Signature



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