
The following Terms and Conditions relating to the purchase, subscription and use of products and services provided by Mako Running. Specifically the “Project World Tour” offer.

These terms and conditions should be read fully and understood before purchasing. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we would be more than happy to clarify. 

Terms and conditions are always evolving, please check back here regularly for any updates. 

The terms “We” “Us” and “Our” refer to Mako Running. 

The terms “You” or “Your” refer to you the customer. 


Our privacy policy can be found here, as part of a separate document.

Project World Tour Coaching Subscriptions

The Project World Tour can only be purchased if you have confirmation of entry to one of the following races:

Berlin - September 29th 2024

Chester - October 6th 2024

Melbourne - October 13th 2024

Chicago - October 13th 2024

Amsterdam - October 20th 2024

Yorkshire - October 20th 2024

New York - November 3rd 2024

Valencia - December 1st 2024

Project World Tour coaching packages can only be bought online through 

All payments must be made directly through 

Upon receipt of payment, you will receive a confirmation email. 

You will then be contacted directly (via email) within 24 hours with the next steps.

This email will contain forms that include, but are not limited to, Medical Release Forms and Participation Readiness Questionnaire hereby referred to as “Forms”. 

You must complete these forms BEFORE the commencement of any training plan. If we do not receive these forms, we hold the right to withhold our services until all forms are completed and returned to us. You are not entitled to a refund during this time.

After completing the forms, you will again be contacted to schedule a virtual onboarding. 

Within 24 hours of the virtual onboarding being completed, you will begin receiving the services offered.

The Project World Tour is a one time payment. This will secure your coaching for 20 weeks from the day of payment.

We would hate to see you go but you have the right to cancel your subscription. You must provide at least one month's written notice. Email and/or letter are the only acceptable form of written notice. 

All services will be halted from the day of receipt of the written notice. 

If you are unable to pay, please contact Mako Running in writing, directly as soon as possible. We will work with you as best we can to resolve the issue, at Mako Running’s discretion.  

We hold the right to terminate any subscription at any time. A reason will be provided if this happens. 

No refunds are available at any time.

Mako Running shall not be liable for death/injury/illness sustained whilst undertaking a training plan. You have a responsibility to exercise your judgement before engaging in a training program provided by Mako Running. 

All content consumed outside of tailored coaching services is for entertainment and general information purposes only. 

You are responsible for the accuracy of all information that you provide to Mako Running, including: Personal contact details, Emergency contact details, Billing information, Exercise participation history, and your Medical release form. All of these must be accurate when working together as they will be what we use to create your training program. Failure to do so is your responsibility.

You are responsible for keeping us up to date with your health and well-being. The training we prescribed must be used in the context it was given in. This means for a woman who is partaking in a curated training plan must not use the same plan if she was to become pregnant. 

In addition to the mandatory medical release form, you also accept the responsibility that you perceive yourself to be healthy enough to undertake a training program. 

Mako Running can not guarantee that the desired results will occur following our curated training services. However, as you can see from the testimonials, the results are possible. 

These conditions are governed by and construed by the laws of England and Wales. You agree, as Mako Running does, to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Mako Running will not be responsible for any breach of these terms of purchase caused by circumstances beyond reasonable control. 

All athletes must be over the age of 18 or have received written permission, in the form of email or letter, from parents before a coaching agreement can be made for an under 18.