Altitude training has long been a popular method for enhancing the performance of endurance athletes, including runners. The rationale behind this strategy stems from the reduced oxygen availability at higher altitudes, which stimulates adaptations within the body. These adaptations, once acclimatised, may confer a competitive advantage at sea-level races. This article examines the current scientific understanding of the effects of altitude training on running performance, taking into account recent research findings.


Physiological Adaptations to Altitude


Altitude training triggers multiple physiological adaptations that can lead to improved running performance. At higher elevations, the partial pressure of oxygen is lower, resulting in a decreased oxygen supply to working muscles and tissues. This oxygen deficit serves as a catalyst for several adaptive responses:


  • Erythropoiesis: Altitude exposure increases the production of erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the production of red blood cells. Elevated red blood cell count enhances oxygen-carrying capacity, enabling the body to transport more oxygen to muscles.


  • Mitochondrial Biogenesis: Training at altitude has been associated with an increase in mitochondrial density, leading to improved aerobic energy production and greater endurance.


  • Ventilatory Adaptations: The body responds to altitude by increasing ventilation, which aids in oxygen uptake. This respiratory adaptation improves an athlete's ability to take in and utilise oxygen during exercise.


  • Efficiency in Oxygen Utilisation: Altitude training can enhance an athlete's ability to extract oxygen from the blood, leading to more efficient utilisation of available oxygen.


Training at Altitude


Altitude training is often categorised into two primary approaches: live high-train high (LHTH) and live high-train low (LHTL).


Live High-Train High (LHTH): In this approach, athletes live at high altitudes (usually above 1900 meters/6,000ft) and conduct their training sessions at similar elevations. The aim is to expose the body to sustained hypoxic conditions to stimulate physiological adaptations.


Live High-Train Low (LHTL): LHTL combines living at high altitudes with training at lower altitudes. This approach allows athletes to benefit from the physiological adaptations of altitude while maintaining the ability to train at higher intensities due to the greater oxygen availability at lower elevations.


Recent studies have suggested that LHTL may offer a more effective strategy for distance runners compared to LHTH. This approach optimises training quality by allowing athletes to maintain higher training volumes and intensities while still reaping the benefits of altitude acclimatisation.


Performance Outcomes


The effectiveness of altitude training on running performance is well-documented, with various studies providing valuable insights:


  • Improved Aerobic Capacity: Several studies have shown that altitude training, particularly LHTL, can lead to significant improvements in an athlete's VO2 max, a key determinant of endurance performance.


  • Enhanced Running Economy: Altitude exposure can also improve an athlete's running economy, which refers to the energy expended at a given submaximal pace. Enhanced running economy is critical for maintaining higher speeds with less energy consumption.


  • Sea Level Performance: Research indicates that altitude-trained athletes can experience substantial performance gains when returning to sea-level races. These adaptations include increased oxygen-carrying capacity and improved endurance.


  • Time-Trial Performance: Altitude training can lead to enhanced time-trial performance, a critical aspect of long-distance races. Improved time-trial performance directly correlates with an athlete's ability to maintain high speeds throughout a race.




Altitude training is a well-established strategy for improving running training and race performance. Recent research has acknowledged the physiological adaptations and training methodologies associated with altitude exposure. While live high-train low (LHTL) appears to be a preferred method for many distance runners, individual responses to altitude may vary, meaning a personalised approach to training is vital.


Athletes and coaches should be aware that the effectiveness of altitude training depends on various factors, including the altitude level, training protocols, and the duration of exposure. Monitoring athletes' responses and adapting training plans accordingly is essential for optimising the benefits of altitude training.


In conclusion, the science of altitude training continues to evolve, and ongoing research in this field promises to refine our understanding of how best to utilise altitude for improving running performance. The complex interplay of physiological adaptations and individual responses underscores the importance of a tailored approach to altitude training for each athlete, aiming to reach peak performance at sea-level races.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out, I’d love to hear from you

Take Care

Coach Wilson

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