The Essential Guide to a Proper Warm-up for Runners

As a running coach and athlete for over a decade, I understand the significance of a well-structured warm-up routine before hitting the road, track or trail. A proper warm-up is not just a formality; it's a crucial step in priming your body for the demands of running. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of a thorough warm-up for runners, and its benefits, and provide you with a guide on how to warm up adequately for a successful and injury-free run.


Why Warm-up Matters for Runners:

 A warm-up serves as a bridge between a sedentary state and the vigorous activity of running. Its primary purpose is to increase blood flow, elevate heart rate, and prepare muscles, joints, and tendons for the upcoming exercise. A well-executed warm-up offers a host of benefits, including:

Enhanced Blood Flow: A warm-up increases blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles, which enhances their performance and efficiency.

Increased Flexibility and Range of Motion: Dynamic warm-up exercises help improve joint flexibility and range of motion, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing running mechanics.

Mental Preparation: Warming up mentally prepares you for the workout ahead, boosting focus and concentration on your running form and goals.


How to Warm Up Adequately for Your Run:

 Follow this comprehensive warm-up routine to optimise your running performance and safeguard against injuries:

Light Dynamic Stretching & Foam Rolling:

I always like my athletes to do some gentle dynamic stretching and foam rolling prior to going for any run or session. Focusing on areas where they may be experiencing tightness. Perform dynamic stretching exercises that target the major muscle groups used in running. These stretches involve controlled movements and actively take your joints through their full range of motion.

This is achieved through exercises such as:


·      Calf raisers

·      Leg Swings (front to back and side to side)

·      Crab walks with a resistance band

·      Single leg RDL’s

·      Walking lunges


Light Jog (5-15minutes):

Start with a gentle jog at a comfortable pace. This helps elevate your heart rate gradually and prepares your cardiovascular system for the upcoming activity.


Drills (5 minutes):

Drills are a fantastic way to reinforce good running biomechanics and prime the body even more for what is to come with sport-specific movements.

Examples of drills include:

·      A Skips

·      B Skips

·      High Knees

·      Butt Kicks

·      CanCan Kicks


Strides (3-4 minutes):

Strides are short bursts of faster running, helping you transition from a gentle jog to your running pace. Gradually accelerate over a short distance (about 80-100 meters) and focus on your running form and stride mechanics.

Prepare Mentally (1-2 minutes):

Take a moment to mentally prepare for your run. Visualise your route, set your running intentions, and focus on your breathing to promote a sense of calm and readiness.


Important Tips for an Effective Warm-up:


Tailor your warm-up to match the intensity of your upcoming run. Longer and more intense runs may require a more extended warm-up.

Allow adequate time for your warm-up; rushing through it may not yield the desired benefits.

Focus on dynamic movements rather than static stretching, as dynamic stretches are more suitable for preparing your body for running.

Pay attention to your body during the warm-up; if you notice any discomfort or pain, modify your routine accordingly.



A proper warm-up is an integral part of any runner's routine, setting the stage for a successful and enjoyable run. By incorporating a light jog, dynamic stretches, core activation, strides, and mental preparation, you can optimise your performance, prevent injuries, and enhance your overall running experience.

Remember, as a running coach, I am here to guide and support you in creating a personalised warm-up routine that suits your needs and goals. Consistent and thorough warm-ups will help you maximise your potential and elevate your running journey to new heights. Find out more about Mako Running and the services we offer here.

Take care and happy running :)

Coach Wilson




Fuelling Strategies for Peak Performance: Pre-Run Nutrition for Runners