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Super Shoes: Unveiling the Impact on Running Performance and Biomechanics

As a running coach and athlete myself, have witnessed the significant influence that footwear can have on an athlete's performance. In recent years, the rise of "super shoes" has taken the running world by storm. These technologically advanced shoes, engineered with innovative features and materials, have sparked debates about their impact on running performance and athlete biomechanics. In this article, we will explore the effects of super shoes and shed light on the ongoing discussions surrounding their use.


Do Super Shoes Affect Running Performance?

The introduction of super shoes has undeniably revolutionized running performance for many athletes. Extensive research has shown that these shoes, characterized by features such as carbon fiber plates and responsive midsole foams, can enhance running economy, increase energy return, and improve overall speed. Several studies have demonstrated the positive effects of super shoes on race times, with notable improvements in marathon and long-distance running performances.

One study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences examined the effects of super shoes on running economy. The findings revealed that athletes wearing super shoes exhibited reduced oxygen consumption and improved running economy compared to traditional running shoes. These advantages can translate into improved endurance and increased efficiency, allowing runners to sustain higher speeds for longer durations.

Can You Wear Super Shoes During Training?

Super shoes have gained significant attention in competitive racing scenarios, but what about training? Many athletes wonder if they should incorporate super shoes into their regular training routine. While super shoes offer unique performance advantages, it is important to strike a balance between their usage and the need for adequate foot and lower leg strengthening.

Incorporating super shoes selectively during specific training sessions, such as tempo runs or race pace workouts, can help simulate race conditions and boost confidence. However, relying solely on super shoes for every training run may limit the development of intrinsic foot and lower leg strength, which is crucial for injury prevention and overall running performance.

Are Super Shoes Worth the Money?

The decision to invest in super shoes is a personal one, influenced by factors such as running goals, budget, and individual preferences. While super shoes undoubtedly offer performance benefits, their price tags may raise concerns. It's important to consider the specific needs and aspirations of each athlete.

For elite runners and those targeting ambitious race goals, the potential performance gains provided by super shoes can make them a worthwhile investment. However, recreational runners or those with budget constraints may find that their current running shoes are adequate for their needs.


The advent of super shoes has undoubtedly reshaped the running landscape, igniting discussions about their impact on performance and biomechanics. Scientific research suggests that super shoes can enhance running economy, improve race times, and offer unique advantages to athletes seeking optimal performance.

When considering the purchase of super shoes, it is essential to evaluate individual running goals, budgets, and training needs. For competitive runners chasing personal records or podium finishes, super shoes can be a valuable investment. However, recreational runners and those with limited budgets may find that their current running shoes are sufficient to meet their needs.

 Remember, while super shoes can provide performance benefits, they should be used strategically in conjunction with a well-rounded training program that includes foot and lower leg strengthening exercises. By striking a balance between technology and natural biomechanics, runners can maximise their potential while reducing the risk of injury.

Let me know your own thoughts and how you like to include super shoes into your rotation!

Happy Running

Coach Callum