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In the world of running and high-intensity exercise, the term "lactate" often conjures images of fatigue and sore muscles. However, there's more to the story. The lactate shuttle, a fascinating physiological process, is a key player in helping your body perform at its best. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of the lactate shuttle and explore how being aerobically fit can significantly enhance its efficiency, and ultimately boost your performance.


Understanding the Lactate Shuttle:

To start, it's essential to debunk the myth that lactate is the culprit behind muscle fatigue. In reality, lactate is a valuable energy resource that comes into play during intense exercise. When your muscles demand a rapid energy supply, they turn to anaerobic glycolysis, a process that converts glucose into pyruvate. In situations where oxygen availability is insufficient to meet the energy demand, pyruvate is converted into lactate.

Far from being a waste product, lactate serves as a crucial ally by preventing the accumulation of toxic pyruvate. It acts as a shuttle, transporting energy between muscles and tissues. As lactate circulates in the bloodstream, it can reach the liver, heart, and other muscles, where it undergoes reconversion to pyruvate.


The Role of Aerobic Fitness:

Now, let's explore the connection between aerobic fitness and the effectiveness of the lactate shuttle. Aerobic fitness, or the capacity of your body to utilise oxygen efficiently, plays a pivotal role in optimising this process.


Improved Oxygen Delivery:

Aerobic fitness enhances your cardiovascular system's efficiency, ensuring that your muscles receive an ample supply of oxygen during exercise. This reduces the reliance on anaerobic pathways and promotes aerobic respiration, a process where lactate is converted back into pyruvate to generate more energy.


Enhanced Mitochondrial Function:

Mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouse of cells, are central to aerobic metabolism. Regular aerobic exercise promotes the growth and efficiency of mitochondria, the cellular structures responsible for aerobic respiration. This means that your muscles become better equipped to utilise lactate as a fuel source.


Increased Lactate Clearance:

Aerobic fitness contributes to improved lactate clearance from the bloodstream. As your body becomes more adept at processing lactate, it can efficiently shuttle this energy source to where it is needed most, preventing the buildup of lactate in specific muscles and optimising overall performance.


Training Strategies to Boost Aerobic Fitness:

Easy Runs Easy

The greatest and simplest way to improve your aerobic conditioning is long bouts of slow running also commonly referred to as zone 1. This allows for prolonged exposure to aerobic conditions where oxygen is available in abundance and as a result, the above physiological adaptations occur.


Threshold Workouts

Training in the sweet spot lactate zone allows your body to develop an effective system for clearing (shuttling) lactate. For this to be successful you don’t push too hard and create an anaerobic environment for yourself.  


Consistency is Key:

Establish a consistent exercise routine. Regular aerobic training promotes long-term adaptations that enhance your body's ability to efficiently use oxygen and manage lactate.



In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of the lactate shuttle unveils the dynamic interplay between energy production and utilisation during high-intensity exercise. By prioritising and enhancing your aerobic fitness, you empower your body to optimise the lactate shuttle, unlocking a wealth of benefits for your running performance. So lace up those running shoes, embrace aerobic training, and let your lactate shuttle propel you towards new levels of fitness and achievement.

Take Care and Happy Running

Coach Wilson