Mako Running

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Determining the ideal weekly mileage for each athlete is a highly individualised process. The optimal mileage can vary based on factors such as ability, age, and race distance. This article will explore the importance of tailoring weekly mileage to individual needs and highlight the significance of listening to your body to prevent injuries. Let's delve into the science-backed principles that can guide your training.

1) Assessing Ability and Goals:

To determine the appropriate weekly mileage, it is essential to consider an athlete's ability and goals. Novice runners may start with lower mileage and gradually increase it over time. Advanced runners, on the other hand, may handle higher mileage due to their experience and conditioning. Setting realistic goals and gradually increasing mileage can help athletes avoid overtraining and reduce the risk of injuries.

2) Age and Recovery Capacity:

Age is another important factor to consider when determining weekly mileage. As we age, our bodies may require longer recovery periods. Older runners may need to adjust their training volume to accommodate for reduced recovery capacity. Scientific studies, such as a review published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, indicate that older athletes should focus on appropriate recovery strategies and modify their mileage to optimise performance and prevent injuries.

3) Race Distance:

The distance of your target race plays a significant role in determining weekly mileage. Training for shorter races, such as 5K or 10K, may require a balance between speed work and moderate mileage. For longer races like marathons, higher mileage becomes necessary to build the endurance required to complete the distance. Scientific research, such as a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, highlights the positive relationship between higher weekly mileage and improved endurance performance in long-distance events

NB: Increase in mileage improves endurance to a certain point before reaching a stage of DIMINISHING returns

4) Listening to Your Body:

Listening to your body's signals is one of the most crucial aspects of determining optimal weekly mileage. Your body knows best when it comes to avoiding injury and overtraining. Pay attention to any warning signs such as persistent fatigue, decreased performance, or recurring pain. Adjusting your mileage or incorporating rest days based on how your body feels can prevent burnout and reduce the risk of injuries.

5) Gradual Progression and Periodisation:

A gradual progression in weekly mileage is key to building endurance and avoiding overuse injuries. Employing a periodisation approach, where training volume and intensity fluctuate throughout the training cycle, allows for adequate recovery and adaptation. Scientific studies, such as a meta-analysis published in Sports Medicine, emphasise the benefits of periodised training for optimising performance and reducing injury risk.


Determining the optimal weekly mileage for running is a highly personalized process that considers an athlete's ability, age, race distance, and recovery capacity. While scientific research provides valuable insights, listening to your body's signals and adjusting your training is crucial. Gradual progression, periodisation, and setting realistic goals are essential elements of a well-rounded training program.

Remember, the focus should always be finding the maximum mileage your body can handle without risking injury or burnout. As an online running coach, I can provide individualised guidance and support to help you find the right balance and reach your full potential.