Mako Running

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Essential gear for running in the cold

It’s that time of year again! The evenings are getting darker, the winds are bone-chilling, and you’re often greeted with rain or snow, depending on where you are in the world!

If you know me, you know just how much I hate the cold – It’s one of my favourite subjects to moan about. That’s why I have created this blog post to help you better prepare for the cold!

Let me know what you do to help beat the cold in the comments below!


This one cannot be stressed enough. If you are anything like me, you hate the feeling of numb hands. It is possibly the most frustrating feeling when you’re trying to untie your shoes at the end of your run but your fingers feel like hot dog sausages.

I often find true running gloves to be a bit thin. Personally, I prefer mine with a bit of lining in them. So, don’t be afraid to look outside the usual sources for your gloves!


During the winter, you will rarely see me without one. As with most of us Brits, we have learnt this lesson the hard way… many times. It is essential to keep yourself as dry as possible when battling the elements and a great rain jacket is going to help go a long way to achieving this. Most jackets these days are water- and windproof, providing even more protection.

Finally, if you needed any more persuading, they are very light, so if you do begin to overheat, no stress. Quickly take it off, wrap it around your waist and you’re good to go again! It’s better to take layers off than to need to put them on!


A staple for every runner, a great pair of tights. Possibly my favourite bit of gear (You’ll see me in a pair all year round!) Not only do they feel fantastic, keep you warm, and most importantly help prevent injuries but they also come in a range of colours to show off your personality! They are light and better at wicking away sweat than the regular joggers you wear around the house.


Not only do you feel like prime Kipchoge on his way to breaking two hours in the marathon when you wear arm warmers but they are highly functional as well. Easy to slip on or off when needed, they are the perfect bit of equipment for every runner. We are working on bringing our own pair (along with a whole collection of apparel) so stay tuned for that! But if you need a pair now, see the option below. No hard feelings.


Whatever you call it, it is our final bit of essential kit this winter. An often overlooked accessory when getting into running, a good snood can make all the difference. You can wear them in several ways to meet your needs, allowing you to get the most for your money! Again, these often come in some pretty snazzy colours, so your bright personality can shine through!

Thanks for making it this far and reading about our key pieces of equipment for the winter months! If you think we’ve missed anything please let us know, we’d love to expand our gear collection.


Have fun out there and stay safe!

DISCLAIMER: I am not paid by any company for any gear I have shared with you today, nor are there affiliate links. These are simply items of clothing I have worn in the past that I am simply recommending to friends (you)!

I would love to bring a female athlete on board as a blog creator. This way as we begin to build out our reviews of running-related gear there are reviews for all of you ladies out there! If you are interested or know someone who might be, please don’t hesitate to contact us.