Mako Running

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Getting started with running

If you’re reading this then you’re probably considering putting on your trainers and heading out the door for a couple of easy miles but unsure where to get started. I think it is excellent that you want to start running. It may sound cliché, but it truly does have the power to change your life – but you already know that!

Here are three keys to help get your running journey off to the best start possible!

 Keep it Slow

 I cannot express this point enough! Running is hard enough as it is, so take it easy. Especially if you are just getting started. I get the temptation to run fast but more often than not, that is the ego talking. It is much better to get into a routine of regularly heading out the door for 20 minutes a couple of times a week than doing one hard 20-minute run and spending the rest of the week nursing an injury because you went too fast too soon.

In addition to this, if you run hard every time you will quickly come to hate the sport. You’ll hate how your body aches, how you’re red in the face, and despite training fast every day, you’re acting getting slower!

Remember when the days are hard or you’re running slower than you’d like, you’re still lapping the old you sat on the couch!

Keep it Fun

Following on from the point above, if you can keep running fun, you’re more likely to stay in a routine. Join a friend and have a good chin wag as you make your way around the 3-mile loop. Listen to your favourite music, I’m not afraid to admit Good for You by Olivia Rodrigo is my guilty pleasure when I am out running (If you’re struggling with a playlist, be sure to check out Mako Running on Spotify!) Catch up on an audiobook/podcast – this is a great way to keep you mentally stimulated and take your mind off of actually running.

 Invest in a good pair of Shoes

 A common mistake that is made when beginning running is not buying a proper pair of running shoes. I appreciate money may be tight but this is really the only cost that comes with this sport! You are going to use them a lot and the technology in them helps prevent injuries. I recommend heading down to a local running store and getting a gait analysis done to see what type of shoe (Stability, neutral, maximal etc.) is best for you!  It is better to pay £100 for a pair of good shoes than have to pay £150 for physiotherapy sessions which could have been prevented!

I hope you found these three keys to success helpful! Now, lace up them new running shoes and enjoy some easy, fun miles!

 Take Care

If you are looking for more guidance in your running journey Mako Running is here for you! Whether you’re wanting to do your first ever 5K or you entered the London Marathon ballot and to your shock, you got selected our individually curated training plans will help you achieve your goals. I will be there to guide you every step of the way!

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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